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Havening Techniques® Certified Practitioner Training
Trainer: Carol Robertson PhD

This program of study is ideal for: professionals working with their existing client base with the aim of becoming a certified practitioner of the Havening Techniques.


One-to-one engagement and support (when you seek it) from the start to the successful completion of the various stages. My approach emphasises connecting theory with practice, exploring, and playful learning. You can connect with me via Zoom, email, or Messenger to ask questions, explore topics, share insights, and discuss cases. You can also join my Messenger Group of Havening Enthusiasts, where I post and/or answer questions daily. This gives us a way to use active learning rather than passive learning. As you study using the official portal and course material at, explore self-Havening, do skill-building projects to help you think like a Havener, connect via Zoom with others doing the course and swap sessions to experience the Havening Techniques, share them with others, and write up case studies. You can imagine me as your sherpa or guide if you like.

 10 months of support as you study Havening is £1200 (USA students are required to do the ethics course too).

Let's look at the Havening Techniques® Certified Practitioner Training stages and the support I provide. First, let’s refer to these screenshots about the training from the the main Havening website.

Havening Training information from the official Havening website

Havening Techniques® Certified Practitioner Training

Havening Training information from the official Havening website
Footnote 1

Let's look in more detail at the Havening Techniques® Certified Practitioner Training stages and the support I provide.



Access to the educational portal at and your Educational pack, consisting of;

  • The Primer

  • Procedural guide

  • Three videos (Dr Ronald Ruden and his twin brother Steven teaching the two-day training)

  • Videos of the two-day training material made by other trainers (based on the Primer) 


Access to the educational portal at and your Educational pack, consisting of;

  • The Primer

  • Procedural guide

  • Three videos (Dr Ronald Ruden and his twin brother Steven teaching the two-day training)

  • Videos of the two-day training material made by other trainers (based on the Primer) 

Plus, this supported approach through active learning is ideal if neuroscience-informed practice is new to you.

You can;

  • Ask questions via Zoom, email or messenger 

  • Access to the educational portal at (Detailed and accessible foundation information related to the Primer).

  • Listen to an audio version of the Primer.

  • Opportunity to start skill-building projects and self-havening. See images of links to pages and page examples here and on the following pages.

Usual official starting point on all courses (self-study)
This 1:1 Training - Support from me  (makes this stage supported study)

Example of links to members sections at

Screenshot of training links
Screenshot of training links
Screenshot of Havening training links
Screenshot of Havening training links

Example of a booklet at

Screenshot of Havening training links

Let's look at the next stage of the usual Havening Techniques® Certified Practitioner Training stages and the 1.1 training.

Usual official next stage 

A two-day group course, slides related to the Primer as seen in the videos and a chance to practice Event Havening, Transpirational Havening and Affirmational Havening 


This 1:1 Training
  • Continue learning the Art of Havening and ask questions via Zoom, email, Messenger and Messenger group

  • Explore how to weave neurobiology into practice and daily life through practice and discussion. 

  • Opportunity to start uploading results (as Case Studies) from doing the skill-building projects and self-havening projects. Can be up to ten of the thirty case studies.

  • Connect with other students and practice any of the seven classic Havening Techniques. Attend monthly group sessions with Dr Steve Ruden or group sessions given by me or other trainers. Engage in the main forum (read Ron’s and other practitioners’ posts and answers) and explore the concepts.

  • Access the educational portal at and use the detailed and accessible foundation information related to the Primer.

Havening Techniques® Certified Practitioner Training

Screenshot of Havening training links
Screenshot of Havening training links

Example of a page for members  at

Screenshot of Havening training links

Examples from pages for members  at

Screenshot of Havening training links

Havening Techniques® Certified Practitioner Training

Let's look at the next stage of the usual Havening Techniques® Certified Practitioner Training stages and compare with this 1.1 training. 

The usual next stage is called Stage Two (self-study)

Access to the main Havening forum. Practise Havening with clients, download the case study sheets and upload 30 case studies, and read the reviews your trainer gives you. Submit two videos and read your trainer’s reviews.


This 1:1 Training (supported study and the stages are woven together)

Continue to hone your Havening skills and practice and upload case studies from doing the skill-building projects, self-havening projects and working with other students or clients. Build your own Havening case study sheet or use one of my templates, which include V Scales. Case studies can also be shared as audio if you prefer. Make a 5 -10 minute video of you using the terminology and concepts related to Havening with another student or client. Discussing a client’s experience of a session is a good way to do this. Share a longer video of a Havening session you would like to discuss with me. Videos are typically used after ten case studies and after twenty case studies.

Continue to connect with other students and practice the seven classic Havening Techniques, attend monthly group sessions with Dr Steve Ruden, engage in the main forum (Read Ron and other practitioners’s posts and answers) and explore the concepts. Continue learning the Art of Havening from me and how to weave neurobiology into practice and daily life through practice and discussion.  Ask questions and share insights and discoveries via Zoom, email, Messenger and Messenger Active Learning Group
Access the educational portal at and use the detailed and accessible foundation information related to the Primer.
Complete all the steps on your dashboard 
When I  recommend you for certification, your certification will come from Havening HQ.

I hope this information is helpful. You may start when you like, and the training support is for ten months. You can study at whatever speed you like. Some people finish in a month, but most people use the ten months. The price is £1200.

You can join the course via email and direct banking or by using the booking link at


Screenshots of our active learning group and the practice connections group

Havening Techniques® Certified Practitioner Training

Screenshot of Havening training links
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