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Brain Art and Brain Sculpture


With the originator Carol Robertson PhD

The practical application of observation, creativity, and modern biology in psychosensory practice.

Learn about :
Educational Approaches
Brain Art
Brain Sculpture
Modern Practice
Preparing for Success

Recognising sensory matching and approaches
Recognising self-cueing and approaches
Metaphor and narrative: approaches
The three V Scales and their different uses

Cueing (Cue > Activate > Brain Art)
Generating DOSE and GOEDS

Moving forward with Projects 
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Reach Out

I am always happy to answer questions about the training 'Certified Practitioner of the Havening Techniques®' or 'Brain Art and Brain Sculpture'. Once you join, you can access the training materials.

Psychosensory Training

Find out more about international trainer Carol Robertson PhD and book your place.

Find out more about the Havening Techniques® and other trainers and trainings and events available.

This is just one of many worldwide opportunities to learn about and access the Havening Techniques®.  There are nearly 1,000 Certified Havening Techniques Practitioners and 50 Certified Havening Trainers worldwide. Please visit the Havening organization website, to learn more about all upcoming Havening events, classes, trainings, resources, and research.

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