Meet the family
Transpirational Havening
Affirmational Havening
Outcome Havening
Role Havening
Iffirmational Havening
Event Havening
Hopeful Havening
Introducing The Havening
We can think of the Havening Techniques as a family or group; they all have individual characteristics but are also related. Their 'surname' is Havening, and their 'first name' indicates how they are used. For example, when we activate receptors and neural traffic flows, we strengthen that engram and make it easier to experience the CASE we are 'affirming'. We are 'making solid', if you like. The name Affirmational Havening describes this well.
When we deliberately cue receptors, and the brain absorbs those receptors, neural traffic ceases to flow between the neurons in response to the cue. We then experience a 'letting go' of responses, opinions, fixed ideas, fears, perceptions and predictions, and this fits with the reflective and expressive practice of Transpirational Havening or the 'signalling-safe' process used in Event Havening. You can explore the principles of each technique and how we use it fully in the sections about the different Havening Techniques.
The key principle is that they are all used with Landscaping in mind. We are, as haveners, always considering the landscape. For example, when an individual describes an unwanted symptom, response, perception, behaviour or prediction, we are considering what receptors may be active and when they made these receptors. We are looking for the time they first learned something that relates to this response. It may have been many years ago that they made the receptors that are active now and generating this CASE. Or it may be that the individual would like more of a particular CASE, and in these cases, we will be looking for how they can increase this.
All the techniques are used in conjunction with psychosensory input of simple touch, which we call Havening Touch®.
The Havening Techniques provide us with enormous scope as recalling and accessing, imagining, spatial placement, collaging, forgetting, changing, creating, constructing new stories, storytelling, and doing working memory activities can be employed.
The Havening Techniques also provide us with a platform where we can explore, consider and utilise:
Our biological responses to risky and rewarding situations and use new helpful strategies that we can employ for better living.
That receptors are active, and neural traffic is flowing whether we are thinking of the past or future, using working memory or observing our body or environment. In other words, we are always 'present'.
When traffic flows through the receptors that we have made, we can experience powerful CASEs that may be wanted or unwanted. For example, we may experience great joy, chronic pain, a sense of irritation, a desire to leave or not move, rage, confusion, a tightening or softening of our body, an urge, a strong desire, love, or a sense of loss, and the range is enormous.
An understanding of our own landscape and landscaping.
An understanding of how we respond to cues and how we ca cue ourselves.
An understanding of the range of cues from scent to time, position, angles and what we see and hear and feel internally or what we touch or how we are touched.
We can choose to aim to absorb specific receptors to change our responses.
We can choose to activate receptors to experience CASEs.
We can choose to aim to make new receptors to change our responses.
We can observe how we respond and use this information to improve our lives. For example, we may discover that we are excellent at accessing somatosensory or cognitive information.
Techniques that enable creativity, curiosity, easier learning, focus, and motivation.
Techniques that alter unwanted fears, blocks, perceptions and predictions.
Because the principles are robust, the style used for the various techniques can be shaped by or for each individual. We use all of the Havening Techniques with an understanding of key principles.
that symptoms and unwanted responses, perceptions or behaviours can result from encoding occurring during an EMLI (and that sensory matching then occurs, and this is the basis of the symptoms or issues)
that depotentiating the related receptors can lead to the cessation of symptoms or unwanted responses
that the earliest receptors that were potentiated are generally key so it's important to identify 'seed events'.
that information is encoded at the moment that the four requirements of EMLI come together (sensory input and CASE are bound together)
that the landscape changes through learning
that we can choose to harness the mechanisms of learning (neuroplasticity) using Havening Techniques®
Let's look at the functions and aims of the different Havening Techniques. Again, you can clearly see the principles in action.
Learning Havening Techniques®
Introducing Havening Touch is a good first step. I introduce Havening Touch in conjunction with finding out how each individual accesses CASEs and how they think and feel about their responses. This enables me to see clearly how they respond to Havening Touch and to make sure they are comfortable with this psychosensory process (See Introducing CASE to find out more how I approach this).
As a practitioner, a great way to learn is by experiencing the different Havening Techniques, either through self-Havening or working with another student or practitioner. We learn what works really well for us, and that can help us realise that it's good to have flexibility and a range of styles. Reflecting on our experience and documenting and sharing your insights and questions is an important way to increase your skills and knowledge (LTP and LTD). For each, you can consider the principles, concepts and steps.
I would suggest this order when learning the main techniques as it's a good way to build skills for elegant Havening. Once you have learned the various techniques and see how they integrate with each other and can recognise this. Then, you can begin to start thinking about how you might best use the Havening Techniques and biology basis in your life or in your work with others.
Havening Touch
Amplify Havening
Hopeful Havening
Ifformational Havening
Affirmational Havening
Event Havening
Outcome Havening
Role Havening
Transpirational > Affirmational Havening
Affirmational > Transpirational Havening
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Starting sharing the Havening Techniques
Once you start putting together sessions, you will find you will use the key checklists from the Primer (CASE, Sensory input - (content, complex content, context), ELFS, EMLI), and the order of using the Havening Techniques tend to be more like the following sequence.
Using Question sets to move into introducing Havening Touch and experience Amplification of a pleasant CASE
Sharing about how we learn and how we respond to cues (CASES)
Considering unwanted CASE and looking for the earliest related EMLI
Sharing about how we can change our responses to cues
Then Event Havening
Observing and considering changes, for example, Outcome or Affirmational Havening, may occur automatically during Event Havening.
Checking what this change could enable the person to enjoy doing.
Depending on the results, you would perhaps build on the changes with Outcome Havening or Role Havening, or perhaps Transpirational.
Or you may move forward from Event Havening to Hopeful, Ifformational and Affirmational Havening.
Questioning, observing, calibrating, tracking and utilising (QOCTU) throughout.
See the resource library at for a list of protocols, use your Primer, watch videos and unpack videos. Use this link to download documents you can use when reflecting on your practice and reflections. The first one provides lots of support for Havening, the next is more open, and the third is a more complex structure for you.